What are Custom Fields?

Custom Fields let you create and personalize data for each contact, making communication easier.

Key Features

  • Create Custom Parameters: Set unique parameters for individual contacts.
  • Personalisation: Customise each parameter, such as assigning 'address', 'phone number', and more.
  • Automated Insertion: Use the parameter name in the inbox to auto-fill its full details, like "Pepsi" when sending messages.
  • Streamlined Communication: Simplifies sending tailored information quickly and accurately.

Types of Custom Fields

  • Text: Store textual information.
  • Number: Record numerical values.
  • Link: Save URLs for easy access.
  • Attachment: Attach files directly to contacts.
  • Single Dropdown: Choose from a predefined list of options.
  • Team Member: Assign a team member to a contact.
  • CheckBox: Mark options as selected or not.
  • Phone Number: Store contact phone numbers.
  • Timestamp: Record date and time information.

This feature enables more efficient and personalised communication by allowing you to tailor data parameters for each contact.

How to use custom Fields?

Let's take an example here, as you saw in the visual above, I have created a custom field named "Company", which includes the 3 options - "Pepsi", “CocaCola”, “ChatDaddy”. So you must be thinking about how to use it.

Well, we can use this custom field in the inbox. When you write '{', a dropdown of all your custom fields will appear. You can select the one you want, and it will send the data inside the custom field as the message.

In this case, when you select the "Company" custom field in the dropdown and send the message, it will appear as "Pepsi" in the chat.

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