Chatdaddy Error Codes
A consolidated list of all the error codes in ChatDaddy
This is a consolidated list of all the error codes in ChatDaddy. Please search for your error to understand what might be causing it
Error Code | Description | HTTP Status Code |
noTierChangeNonAuto | Cannot change tier of an account that is not auto charged | 400 |
accountApprovalReq | Account must be approved before updating business info | 400 |
leaveBeforeDeleteGroup | You must leave the group before deleting it | 400 |
phoneNumReq | Phone number required | 400 |
openAccountReq | Require at least one open account to check if user exists | 400 |
nothingToUpdate | Nothing to update | 400 |
invalidName | Given value is not a valid name | 400 |
cannotForwardMsgs | Cannot forward "note" or "pending" or "errored" messages | 400 |
cannotForwardAction | Cannot forward action messages | 400 |
cannotUpdateOtherMsg | Cannot update a message that is not from you | 400 |
noUpdateNonPending | Cannot update a message that is not pending or errored out | 400 |
canOnlyEditNotes | Can only edit notes | 400 |
onlyMarkNotesResolved | Can only mark notes as resolved | 400 |
noTsChangeWithStatus | Cannot change timestamp with current status of message | 400 |
statusReqAllQuery | Need to supply a status with "all" query | 400 |
cannotForceReloadMsgs | Cannot force reload all messages | 400 |
noMsgReloadingSupport | This account does not support reloading messages from the platform | 400 |
noFetchMsgAllAccChat | Cannot fetch messages for all accounts and a specific chat | 400 |
templateReqNewConv | A template is required to start a new conversation | 400 |
badTextTryAgain | Bad text, try again! | 400 |
noButtonsWithPoll | Cannot send buttons with url or phone number as poll | 400 |
nothingToDelete | Nothing to delete | 400 |
missingProduct | No products to forward sync | 400 |
invalidAccType | Account type does not support template submission | 400 |
invalidAccountType | Invalid account type | 400 |
notRegAlibaba | Account is not registered as an alibaba-cams-v2 account | 400 |
accountActivated | Account must be activated | 400 |
invalidAttachmentUrl | Invalid attachment url | 400 |
invalidAttachment | Invalid attachment URL provided | 400 |
incorrectMimeType | Attachments must have the correct mimetype. Received an unexpected mimetype. | 400 |
missingLocation | Missing location property of the location attachment | 400 |
shortPhoneNum | Phone number must be at least 5 digits | 400 |
attachmentsNotSupported | Attachments not supported | 400 |
buttonsNotSupported | Buttons not supported | 400 |
productsNotSupported | Products not supported | 400 |
messageMustHaveText | Message must have text | 400 |
noSimultaneousBtnAttach | Cannot send message with buttons and attachment at the same time | 400 |
urlPhoneBtnsNotSupported | Sending URL & phone number buttons directly is not supported | 400 |
pollsNotSupported | Polls not supported on WABA | 400 |
notSupportedOnWABA | Products not supported on WABA | 400 |
emptyPhoneNumber | Empty phone number provided | 400 |
failedGetCodeScanQR | Failed to get code from WhatsApp. Please try scanning the QR code | 400 |
invalidChatId | Invalid chat ID | 400 |
contactsBaseUrlsOnly | Contacts only support base64 encoded URLs | 400 |
expectedJsonCursor | Expected stringified JSON cursor | 400 |
invalidJsonCursor | Invalid JSON cursor | 400 |
noTeamCreatorChange | Cannot alter the team creator! | 400 |
noDeleteOwnUser | Cannot delete your own user! | 400 |
noAlterOwnUser | Cannot alter your own user! | 400 |
unsupportedLoginMethod | Login method not supported | 400 |
invalidOtherParameter | Invalid other parameter | 400 |
phoneNumReqForOtp | Phone number required for OTP | 400 |
teamIdIsReq | teamId is required | 400 |
noStoresInBoutir | No Stores In Boutir Account | 400 |
noPhoneNumFound | No Phone Number Found | 400 |
missingEmailLogin | Email address missing from Google login | 400 |
invalidRequest | Invalid request | 400 |
templateNotFound | No template found for given templateID | 400 |
noBotsForBotId | No bots for given botId | 400 |
noActionsForBotid | No actions for given botId | 400 |
noTextOrTitleBotID | No message text or title for given botId | 400 |
templateIdIsReqToLink | Template ID is required to link | 400 |
startingActionReq | Bot needs to have a starting action before it can be submitted for review | 400 |
msgReqInStartingAction | Starting action must contain a message | 400 |
missingStartingAction | Bot has no starting action! | 400 |
invalidCursor | Invalid cursor | 400 |
unknownActionid | Unknown starting actionID | 400 |
webhookMethodReq | Webhook trigger method expected | 400 |
delayLoopInActions | Found delay loop in those actions | 400 |
unsupportedTargetType | Specified target type not supported | 400 |
undefinedPropertyPath | Result of PropertyPath is undefined | 400 |
InvalidPropertyPathId | Result of PropertyPath is not a single ID or list of ids | 400 |
BtnActionNotFound | The button action could not be found | 400 |
campaignInProgressStop | Campaign already in progress, "stop" the campaign first | 400 |
noRecipientsLeft | No recipients left to broadcast | 400 |
noRecipientsForCampaign | No recipients present for the given campaign | 400 |
stringifiedJsonReq | Expected stringified JSON cursor | 400 |
missingTrigger | There is no trigger associated | 400 |
qRCodeUrlIsReq | QR code url is required | 400 |
missingAuthInPayment | Payment system has no auth | 400 |
UnsupportedServiceProducts | Specified service integration does not support products | 400 |
nameConditionInvalid | Cannot condition on specified name | 400 |
emptyNameCondition | Condition with specified name has no values | 400 |
invalidValueTypeError | Invalid value type provided. | 400 |
InvalidNameConditionValues | Condition with specified name cannot have given values | 400 |
unknownConditions | Unknown conditions specified | 400 |
paymentIntegrationNotFound | Payment integration with specified paymentIntegrationId does not exist | 400 |
invalidStartTimeFormat | Malformed startTime! must be in 24h format | 400 |
invalidEndTimeFormat | Malformed endTime! must be in 24h format | 400 |
malformedEndtimeMissing | Malformed endTime! missing | 400 |
missingKeywords | Missing keywords | 400 |
missingUser | Could not find user | 400 |
unavailablePaymentId | No payment ID available | 400 |
noAutoChargeApi | This account is not an auto-charged API product, it cannot be removed | 400 |
NonScalableApi | Account not part of scalable API plan | 400 |
duplicateTierMembership | Account already belongs to "${tier}", nothing to do | 400 |
invalidSubsId | Invalid subscription id | 400 |
wrongCategoryUpdate | Cannot update to a product in a different category | 400 |
nonSubUpdateOnly | Purchase is not a subscription. Can only update subscriptions | 400 |
noPartnerAdminTeam | No partner admin set for this team | 400 |
noCreditToAvail | No credit to avail | 400 |
noExtraDaysAllowed | Cannot add extra days to one-time product | 400 |
invalidPurchaseDetail | Malformed purchaseDetail! | 400 |
invalidTeam | Malformed team! | 400 |
invalidTeamMember | Malformed teamMember! | 400 |
attachmentNotEncrypted | Attachment is not encrypted | 400 |
unauthorisedForWebhook | Unauthorised for webhook | 401 |
invalidExpiredRefresh | Invalid or expired refresh token | 401 |
invalidPhoneNumPwd | Invalid phone number/password combination | 401 |
unknownOtp | Unknown OTP | 401 |
tokenNotFound | Token not found | 401 |
oTPNotFound | OTP not found | 401 |
invalidPhoneOrOtp | Invalid phone or otp | 401 |
invalidIntegrationCode | Invalid integration code | 401 |
invalidWebhookSecret | Invalid webhook secret | 401 |
invalidIntegrationId | Invalid integration ID | 401 |
invalidOrderId | Invalid order id | 401 |
noToken | No token | 401 |
quotaExhausted | Accounts Quota Exhausted | 403 |
notAuthorizedToUpdate | You need the TEAMMEMBERS_UPDATE scope to access this data | 403 |
messageQuotaExhausted | Message Quota Exhausted | 403 |
cannotSendBroadcast | Cannot send to broadcast lists | 403 |
noScopePermission | You do not have permission to grant these scopes! | 403 |
captchaCheckFailed | Captcha check failed | 403 |
userNotFoundInTeam | Cannot find your user in the team | 403 |
noScopeUpdateAccess | You do not have enough access to update these scopes on this team member | 403 |
extraIDsToUpdate | Received extra member IDs to update | 403 |
scopesNotPresent | Scopes not present | 403 |
maxMembersReached | This team already has the maximum number of members! | 403 |
insufficientScope | You do not have access to this | 403 |
userNotInPartnership | This user is not part of your partnership | 403 |
noChangeNonPartner | Cannot change for this user as it is not a partnership account | 403 |
noChangeForUser | Cannot change for this user | 403 |
cannotUpdateFields | Cannot update these fields | 403 |
noAccessReqScopes | You do not have access to certain scopes you requested | 403 |
insufficientScopes | You do not have the required scopes to perform this action | 403 |
insufficientAccess | Insufficient Access | 403 |
maxPurchasesReached | Max purchases reached | 403 |
forbidden | Forbidden | 403 |
OwnReferralNotAllowed | Cannot use your own referral code | 403 |
noAccountsFound | No accounts found | 404 |
couldNotFindAnAccount | Could not find an account | 404 |
missingAccountInTeam | Could not find given account in your team | 404 |
missingProductID | Product with given id not found in your team | 404 |
missingEntity | Could not find the specified entity. | 404 |
chatNotFound | Original chat not found | 404 |
originalMsgNotFound | Original message not found | 404 |
expectedOriginalData | Expected message to have original data | 404 |
failedFindIdInChat | Failed to find id in chat given chatId | 404 |
adminNotFound | Your partner admin team was not found | 404 |
invalidTeamOrNoAccess | Either the team specified is invalid, or you do not have access | 404 |
contactNotFound | Contact not found | 404 |
teamNotFound | Team not found | 404 |
notFound | Not Found | 404 |
missingAccountId | Could not find specified accountId in your team | 404 |
campaignNotFound | Campaign not found | 404 |
missingDataPoint | Could not find data point | 404 |
missingSecretId | Could not find tracking by specified secretId | 404 |
missingPaymentSystem | Payment system not found | 404 |
UnsupportedWebhookPayment | Payment system cannot handle webhook | 404 |
missingTrackingId | Could not find tracking with specified trackingId | 404 |
missingMetadataTeamId | Could not find metadata with specified teamId | 404 |
noQrFound | No QrCode returned | 404 |
noSuchChatbotId | No such chatbot id | 404 |
chatbotNotFound | Chatbot not found | 404 |
missingChatbothName | Chatbot does not exist with name | 404 |
missingChatbotId | Could not find chatbot id | 404 |
invalidCoupanCode | Specified coupon code is invalid | 404 |
productCodeNotFound | Product code not found | 404 |
messageNotFound | Message with specified not found | 404 |
attachmentNotFound | Attachment not found | 404 |
2closeBeforeDelete | Account must be closed before deleting | 409 |
cannotConnectInThisState | Cannot connect in given state | 409 |
cannotSetReadEquals | Cannot set read equals to given value when chat is same | 409 |
cannotSetActionEquals | Cannot set action equals to given value when chat is same | 409 |
accountAlreadyOpen | Account already open | 409 |
duplicateOpenRequest | Duplicate open request for the specified account. | 409 |
userAlreadyInTeam | User is already a member of this team! | 409 |
noPassChangeForSso | Cannot change password for Google/Facebook/Boutir login | 409 |
userAlreadyRegistered | This user is already registered! Please login, if you have forgotten your password, press "forgot password" | 409 |
flowNameAlreadyExists | A flow with the same name already exists | 409 |
sameNameFolderExists | A folder with the same name already exists | 409 |
DuplicateIDError | Specified ID has already been taken | 409 |
tiktokCookiesReq | Cannot open account without TikTok cookies | 418 |
cannotFetchMsgs | Cannot fetch messages in direction other than "before" | 418 |
noContactInfoFound | Cannot fetch contact info for phone number | 418 |
notSupported | Not supported | 418 |
mismatchAccWrkrType | The specified account is not running on the specified worker | 424 |
accountNotOpenMsg | Account not open, cannot send message | 428 |
openAccountReqForDetail | Account needs to be open to fetch order details | 428 |
accountNotOpen | Account must be open to sync products | 428 |
accountNotRunning | Account not running | 428 |
accountNotActivated | Account not activated | 428 |
noConnectionInstance | No connection instance | 428 |
lastMsgTooLongAgo | Last msg too long ago | 428 |
notOpenConnection | Connection not open yet | 428 |
noMoreOTPsTryLater | Cannot send more OTPs. Please try again in some time | 429 |
notImplemented | Not implemented | 500 |
noTeammatesFound | No teammates found | 500 |
accountReqRoundRobin | Account must be provided for round-robin assign type | 500 |
noTeammatesForAssign | No teammates found for smart assign contact | 500 |
noWorkerAvailable | No worker available. Contact Support. | 500 |
senderUserIdNotSet | Sender user ID not set | 500 |
messageIdNotSet | Message ID not set | 500 |
entityMutationFailed | Failed to run single mutation on current entity | 500 |
noTeamMembers | The specified team has no team members. | 500 |
missingMethod | The requested method is not implemented. | 500 |
templateCreateNoId | Template create did not return ID | 500 |
couldNotGetWaba | Could not get waba | 500 |
phoneNumNotFound | Could not find phone number | 500 |
invalidModification | Invalid modification | 500 |
reqFieldsForSearch | Contact name, platform names and phone number are required to set search | 500 |
writeCollectionError | Error writing to given collection | 500 |
sendgridApiKeyNotSet | SENDGRID_API_KEY not set specified partner | 500 |
cannotRegisterGroup | Cannot register a group | 500 |
allWebPushFailed | All Web push failed | 500 |
gptIssueTryAgain | Oops seems GPT ran into problems, please try again | 500 |
contactFilterConflict | Cannot use both contactFilters and addTags/removeTags | 500 |
recvNonJsonPayload | Recv non JSON payload | 500 |
filterConflictExcludedTags | Cannot use both contactFilters and recipientTags/excludedRecipientTags | 500 |
FailedToGetPayexToken | Error getting Payex access token | 500 |
paymentCreationFailed | Error creating payment intent | 500 |
transactionDetailsError | Error getting transaction details | 500 |
invalidAuthType | Invalid auth type | 500 |
InvalidWebhook | Invalid webhook. No metadata or txn_id or payment_intent | 500 |
requestInProgress | Async requests in progress, please wait for them to finish before starting a new one | 500 |
invalidDay | Invalid Day | 500 |
trialNotAvailable | Free trial not available! | 500 |
subItemNotFoundInvoice | Could not find the subscription item in the invoice | 500 |
teamHasNoCreator | Team has no creator | 500 |
emptyQuotaNoOwner | Event message-quota-empty without ownerId | 500 |
tokenServiceNotFound | Service refreshToken/serviceTeamId does not exist! | 500 |
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