About “This message is not available”


You might see the "This message is not available" message in Chatdaddy when you try to view a message, but it cannot be displayed. This usually means that the message content is no longer accessible or there was an issue retrieving it.

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What Can You Do?

If you encounter this issue, try these steps.

  • Check your phone to view the message.
  • Ask the other person to open WhatsApp on their phone.

For additional WhatsApp troubleshooting resources.


I'm seeing "This message is not available" error with multiple customer chats. What should I do?

This is a temporary issue that usually resolves itself. Please wait a few minutes and check again. If you continue to experience this problem frequently and it's disrupting your business operations, please submit a support ticket and our team will assist you promptly.

Why aren't my automatic keyword replies being sent to new leads?

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If you notice that your automatic keyword replies aren't being delivered to new leads due to a "Message is not available" error, we're here to help! Please follow our detailed guide "How to fix "Message is not available" issue" to resolve this.

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