New Chat Trigger
The New Chat trigger is activated whenever the first message is sent or received in a new chat.
Using the New Chat trigger to sent automated greetings message
Using the “New Chat” trigger, you can send your customers automated greeting or welcome messages to your new or potential clients
For ex: When someone sends a message for the first time to your number, you want to greet them and give them some starting options
Step 1: Go to message flows and add a “New Chat” trigger
Step 2: Click on “Choose Next Step” and select condition. You can add conditions for channels and whether the first message is incoming or outgoing
Step 3: Click on “Choose Next Step”, select Message, and draft the message you want to sent to your customer.
Step 4(Optional): Build a more complex flow by adding more conditions, follow up messages, adding tags to your contacts, and assigning them to your team members
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