What is Active Chat Pricing?

ChatDaddy will levy a small service charge on your active chats per month. These are contacts that you message at least once per month. Active chats are charged between 10 to 15 credits per active chat per month. For example, if you talk to 1000 people in a month, you will be charged for 1000 active chats.

How is an Active Chat Measured?

An active chat is any chat that has had a message sent in the current month. This is counted as one active chat. Once a chat is initialized, you can send unlimited messages to this chat until the end of the month. An "active chat month" resets on the 1st of every month.

Are Active Chats Priced for All Channels?

No, active chat pricing is currently implemented for the following channels:

  • Official WhatsApp API Channels: Connected via ChatDaddy's own integration starting August 1.
  • SMS
  • Email
  • Instagram
  • Messenger

Please note:

  • Per-message charges for emails and SMS are applicable as mentioned in pricing table.
  • Per-conversation charges for the official WhatsApp API Channels are to be paid to Meta directly.
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