How to setup Offline Bot

The Offline Bot allows you to auto-reply to client messages during your specified off-hours. Regardless of the message type or content sent by clients, the bot will respond with a pre-set message flow.

How to Turn On/Off the Offline Bot

  1. Go to the Offline Bot section under Settings.
  1. Toggle the button next to “Enabled” to turn the bot ON or OFF.

How to Set Up an Offline Bot

1. Navigate to Offline Bot

  • Hover your cursor over the Left navigation bar > Automation.
  • Click on Offline Bot.

2. Select or Create an Offline Message Flow

  • Click on “Select Offline Message Flow”.
  • You can:
      1. Choose an existing message flow, or
      1. Create a new one by clicking the “+” icon.

3. Select Channels

  • Choose the channel(s) where the Offline Bot will send auto-replies.
  • You can select multiple channels at once.

4. Set Trigger Frequency

  • Choose how often the Offline Bot will trigger responses.


  1. Limit Trigger Frequency (Recommended): Prevent excessive replies by setting an interval between triggers.
  1. No Limit: The bot will respond every time a message is received.

5. Set Business Hours

  • Define your business operating hours. The Offline Bot will respond outside these hours.
  • Default hours are 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM when enabled for any day.
Notion image

Tip: Use the Copy icon to replicate time settings across multiple days.

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6. Configure Advanced Settings

  • Mark Chat as Read if Offline Bot is Triggered: Automatically marks the chat as read when the bot responds.
  • Offline Bot for Group Chats: Enables the bot to reply in group chats.
  • Cancel Following Messages if the Client Responds: Cancels any scheduled messages in the flow if the client replies to the bot.
  • Only Reply to New Messages: Ensures the bot only responds to new incoming messages.

7. Save Your Configuration

  • Once all settings are configured, click “Save” to complete the setup.

Your Offline Bot is now ready to respond automatically during your off-hours!

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